Friday, April 29, 2016

Ministry is Not a Competition, It's an Assignment!

I recently had an encounter that made it clear that some people who want to minister for God are sharing His words, but they are not representing the spirit of God. They treat ministry like it's a competition and it's not.They see other ministers as a threat to those they are sharing their ministry with because they feel a possession to God's people. They operate as if Christ' disciples are in a contest to be more holy than each other rather than on a mission to minister Christ to the lost.
I understand though, because I know that when we get saved we don't gain complete understanding of God overnight. We come into the kingdom of God with leftover bad habits and mindsets that are taught to us by an ungodly world, which operates in a completely different way than God does. That is why we have to constantly be deprogrammed of our old ways and be transformed to become more like Christ by having our minds renewed with the word of God.

When you are tempted to compete in ministry, just remember that this world can never get enough Godly people using their lives to minister the love of Jesus Christ to others.
Jesus himself said that the harvest is ripe but the laborers are few. When I see another man or woman who loves God, I don't see my competitor. The kingdom of God isn't corporate America or world commerce. When I see a Christian ministering, I see a fellow soldier in God's army. I want to encourage that person and send them love because I know they are working the territory assigned to them by God as I am working mine.
I'm never threatened that anyone will steal my glory, because this is not my mission, it's God's mission and all glory belongs to God, not to me.
No one can steal your audience or those who listen to your ministry because God has placed us all where He wants us to serve, and He has designated the specific people He has for each of us to minister to.
We all should just continuously pray to God to be in place for the ones He has assigned us to minister to

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